
grace? where are you?? are you in london??? why have you disappeared???? GRACE!!!!!!

since you have gotten rid of your comments (wise....), i just wanted to say that i am glad that you are blogging again meesh! nice list of resolutions! maybe i should make one too. ok, i already did...so maybe i should post them sometime. (= can't wait to see you...TOMORROW! with our super-duper early musta-been God's intervening-hand move-in day!!!!! yeah, that's right kids, we move in TO-MOR-ROW. har har har har. too bad i don't feel like driving. =P

still out in SD lizzzz?? soak up some sun for me! actually, don't, i'm dying out here in jersey with this ridiculous weather. where is the RAIN!? soon the garden state will be no more.... can't even water the lawns anymore.... sigh


well, tis my last night in our beloved regent apartment. despite the double flooding, the porch door that never opend properly, the backwards fridge door, the ants invasion...i must say that i have thoroughly enjoyed my time living here. (=

top 14 FAV regent memories (in no particular order):
1) walking across the ledges to put stuff on our built-in bookshelves
2) our apt dinners (=
3) omlette party
4) dumpling parties 1 & 2
5) drawing on the walls
6) paul coming over everyday to watch his movies on the dvd player
7) watching FRIENDS everyday at 6 & 7...and then every thursday night...and maybe again friday night with andrew (=
8) plucking paul's eyebrows (=
9) all the late-late-late night talks
10) our quote board (=
11) having to walk paul home across the street when he got too scared from telling his own ghost stories
12) NEW TETRIS!!!!
13) all the BBQs with the boys across the street
14) spring/summer term...every single day made me smile (=
